Showing 10 result(s)

Schulz on collision course with Cameron over national parliaments’ role / EurActiv,fr /, 20 November 2015 […] “The introduction of a ‘red card’ mechanism would significantly alter the constitutional equilibrium in the EU and transform national parliaments into a collective veto player that could block the European Commission’s legislative initiatives, said Valentin Kreilinger, a research fellow at the Jacques Delors Institute.

Cooperation instead of coercion on the refugee quota

This blog post is the short version of my proposal to use “enhanced cooperation” in the refugee crisis instead of a qualified majority vote and shows how a rarely used treaty provision could be applied in the current refugee crisis. A longer blog post was published by the Jacques Delors Institut – Berlin on 21 …

Europe will change, says German analyst. Who must be afraid?

In an interview with the Slovakian weekly “Plus 7 DNI” Valentin Kreilinger responded to questions about the results of the European Parliament elections, the 13% turnout in Slovakia, the “Spitzenkandidaten” process and appointing the new Commissioners, but also about the economic situation, the free movement of people and foreign policy.

Motivating voters is the job of member states

A week after the citizens of the European Union elected their representatives in the European Parliament, negotiations to form political alliances are already in full swing.  How tricky will they be and how does the EU’s future look like for the next five years?

Espionnage: Des Européens fâchés mais désarmés?

Valentin Kreilinger, chercheur à Notre Europe – Institut Jacques Delors, est cité par le journal 20 minutes au sujet de l’espionnage américain dans un article publié le 25 octobre 2013: […] Mais même si les «grandes oreilles» américaines, avec l’immigration, sont au menu, aucune décision concrète n’est à attendre car un sommet européen sert surtout …