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Schulz on collision course with Cameron over national parliaments’ role / EurActiv,fr /, 20 November 2015 […] “The introduction of a ‘red card’ mechanism would significantly alter the constitutional equilibrium in the EU and transform national parliaments into a collective veto player that could block the European Commission’s legislative initiatives, said Valentin Kreilinger, a research fellow at the Jacques Delors Institute.

Europe will change, says German analyst. Who must be afraid?

In an interview with the Slovakian weekly “Plus 7 DNI” Valentin Kreilinger responded to questions about the results of the European Parliament elections, the 13% turnout in Slovakia, the “Spitzenkandidaten” process and appointing the new Commissioners, but also about the economic situation, the free movement of people and foreign policy.

Espionnage: Des Européens fâchés mais désarmés?

Valentin Kreilinger, chercheur à Notre Europe – Institut Jacques Delors, est cité par le journal 20 minutes au sujet de l’espionnage américain dans un article publié le 25 octobre 2013: […] Mais même si les «grandes oreilles» américaines, avec l’immigration, sont au menu, aucune décision concrète n’est à attendre car un sommet européen sert surtout …