Showing 14 result(s)

Schulz on collision course with Cameron over national parliaments’ role / EurActiv,fr /, 20 November 2015 […] “The introduction of a ‘red card’ mechanism would significantly alter the constitutional equilibrium in the EU and transform national parliaments into a collective veto player that could block the European Commission’s legislative initiatives, said Valentin Kreilinger, a research fellow at the Jacques Delors Institute.

The UK wants to play cards: Stronger national parliaments in the EU

In an guest article for the series about David Cameron’s reform demands on Manuel Müller’s blog “Der (europäische) Föderalist”, I wrote about the “red card” idea (Link). D(e)F @tineurope: The UK wants to play cards: Stronger national parliaments in the EU #EUref #EUreform #EUreferendum — Manuel Müller (@foederalist) November 1, 2015 .@tineurope questions the …

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Five Presidents’ Report: Where are the Parliaments?

Am 22. Juni 2015 haben die Präsidenten von Europäischer Kommission, Europäischem Rat, Euro-Gruppe, Europäischer Zentralbank und Europäischem Parlament den Bericht „Die Wirtschafts- und Währungsunion vollenden“ vorgelegt. Dieser Bericht wurde am 26. Juni 2015 von den Staats- und Regierungschefs „zur Kenntnis genommen“ und der EU-Ministerrat wurde ersucht, ihn „umgehend zu prüfen“. Der nun angestoßene Prozess erscheint …

National parliaments and the Commission’s work programme

(Photo: European Parliament on flickr) Without any doubt, the annual work programme of the European Commission (called “A new start” for 2015 and published on 16 December 2014) is an important policy document that receives quite some attention from the other EU institutions (earlier this year, the splits in the European Parliament were noteworthy: see …

Efforts to increase inter-parliamentary cooperation in the EU are progressing at a snail’s pace

The principle of increasing the role of national parliaments in the EU’s legislative process has been promoted by several political actors, with the Treaty of Lisbon introducing a so called ‘yellow card’ system under which national parliaments can force the European Commission to review a legislative proposal. Valentin Kreilinger writes on recent decisions and initiatives …