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Efforts to increase inter-parliamentary cooperation in the EU are progressing at a snail’s pace
The principle of increasing the role of national parliaments in the EU’s legislative process has been promoted by several political actors, with the Treaty of Lisbon introducing a so called ‘yellow card’ system under which national parliaments can force the European Commission to review a legislative proposal. Valentin Kreilinger writes on recent decisions and initiatives …
Where is cooperation between national parliaments and the European Parliament going?
How could the dominance of the executives in the EU economic and financial governance be pushed back? Valentin Kreilinger – Associated Reseacher at Jacques Delors Institut Berlin – advises to make inter-parliamentary cooperation attractive for MPs/MEPs and to clarify organizational issues.
The relationship between national parliaments and the European Parliament remains contested in the area of economic governance
The Fiscal Compact, which was signed by 25 of the EU’s member states in 2012, foresaw the creation of an inter-parliamentary conference to enable national parliaments to discuss major issues of economic and financial governance. The third meeting of this ‘Inter-parliamentary Conference for Economic and Financial Governance’ will be held on 29 and 30 September. …
Possibilities for upgrading inter-parliamentary cooperation after the 2014 European elections
Article in the Polish Quarterly of International Affairs 1/2014, pp. 57-68. The parliaments in the EU are facing a choice. They may exploit the existing possibilities, continue business as usual (possibly with declining participation in inter-parliamentary cooperation, so no change), or bypass existing interparliamentary structures.
The Inter-parliamentary Conference on Economic & Financial Governance
The Inter-parliamentary Conference on Economic and Financial Governance meets for the first time in Vilnius on 16 and 17 October 2013. Its creation was decided by the Speakers of the Presidents of all Parliaments in the European Union in April 2013. This decision was taken quietly, but the idea of an inter- parliamentary conference to …