The Inter-parliamentary Conference on Economic and Financial Governance meets for the first time in Vilnius on 16 and 17 October 2013. Its creation was decided by the Speakers of the Presidents of all Parliaments in the European Union in April 2013. This decision was taken quietly, but the idea of an inter- parliamentary conference to ensure some parliamentary exchange and control on questions related to the Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) finally manifests itself at the first meeting of this conference. This Policy Paper analyses the agreement on the Inter-parliamentary Conference on Economic and Financial Governance.
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Download the Policy Paper (pdf):
Kreilinger_Inter-parliamentary-Conference-ECOFIN_PolicyPaper_2013 (EN)
Kreilinger_Conférence-interparlementaire-ECOFIN_PolicyPaper_2013 (FR)
On the same topic:
Valentin Kreilinger, Jacques Delors Institute, and Olivier Rozenberg, Centre d’Etudes européennes, Sciences Po (Paris), Written Evidence to the House of Lords European Union Select Committee, September 2013:
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URL: (last retrieved: 02/08/2014)
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