Differentiated integration in the #EU, 2015: enhanced cooperation and intergovernmental treaties – @delorsinstitut pic.twitter.com/UVCluHT83q
— Valentin Kreilinger (@tineurope) April 15, 2015
This new version of my graphic shows the state of differentiated integration in the European Union in 2015. The graphic includes the European Economic Area, Schengen, the EU itself, the Member States whose currency is the euro (€), the European Stability Mechanism, the Euro Plus Pact, the Treaty on Stability, Coordination and Governance in the EMU, the Banking Union (Single Resolution Fund) and the enhanced cooperations following Article 20 TEU: Patent, divorce and the Financial Transactions Tax.
For the 2013 version: http://www.delorsinstitute.eu/011-16563-Differentiated-Integration-in-one-graphic.html
Update 15/4/2015:
Excellent: differentiated integration in the EU in 1 simple figure via @tineurope https://t.co/D33PaSxMDk
— Simon Hix (@simonjhix) April 15, 2015